Researchers who cannot access research papers for free get discouraged. Research is arduous, and if you have to pay for research papers, it adds more to your anxiety. But there is nothing to worry about because we have compiled a list of the top ten free websites to access research papers. You can access credible and authentic research papers on these free websites. Here are the following top ten websites to access research papers for free:

1. Sci-Hub

Sci-Hub is an online database and among the top ten free websites to access research papers. Sci-Hub’s idea was developed in Kazakhstan to counter the high costs researchers had to pay for research papers. Sci-Hub processes approximately 400,000 requests for articles and research papers daily. Scholarly publications with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) are accessible through Sci-Hub. You must copy the article’s DOI, and you can access research papers for free.

The website claims that it has access to 85,258,448 pdf files. Sci-Hub is quite useful when it comes to research. Most researchers from the best dissertation writing services hold it in high esteem because it freely provides access to research papers. Researchers do not have to do anything and can access most of the research papers in their field. Sci-hub provides access to many academic databases and publishers. You can access research papers from the following databases using Sci-Hub:

  • Elsevier
  • Spring/Nature
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • American Chemical Society
  • Wiley Blackwell
  • Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Open-Access journals

2. Library Genesis

Library genesis also has a rich collection of research papers that you can access for free. It is an online database for sharing and disseminating free journal articles, books, and magazines. Researchers mostly use it to access research papers for free. You can access research papers for which you must pay if you visit the source. Library genesis provides you access to research papers from Elsevier and Science Direct. Library Genesis website has a user-friendly design that makes it easier to access research papers for free. You can also narrow down your search by selecting the appropriate filters. For example:

  • Search by Author
  • Search by DOI
  • Search by title
  • Filter the search by language, publisher, and year


CORE provides access to research papers for free. It provides access to the world’s largest collection of research papers. Researchers can gain access to more than 219 million articles for free. writing services CORE considers itself the global aggregator of open access research articles. Researchers can gain access to research papers on various subjects. The CORE website contains approximately 207,255,818 research papers and articles that you can access for free.

4. Science Open

Science Open is among the top ten websites to access research papers for free. You can gain access to more than 74 million scientific research articles. Accessing articles on Science Open requires registration, and it is completely free. Science Open has advanced search features. You can use advanced filters to narrow down the scope of your research and find the good articles you are looking for. Science Open contains peer-reviewed articles from reputable journals. You can choose the content type, source, author, journal, and discipline to set the filters and narrow down the scope of your search.

5. Elsevier

Elsevier is also a credible website to access research papers for free. You can extract research papers from Open Access Journals for free. Elsevier contains research papers from various natural and social sciences fields. Research papers on Elsevier also contain translated versions of scientific research from all over the globe.

6. Research Gate

Research Gate is a very good platform for sharing and disseminating research. It is a website that you can use to gain access to research papers for free and also use for discussing ideas with other academics. Research Gate is completely free to use, and the registration is optional, which is entirely free. Research Gate has a rich repository of research papers in various natural and social sciences fields. You can also access free humanities, business studies and medical research papers.

7. UnpayWall

Unpaywall is among the best websites to access research papers for free. It has a database of more than 21 million research papers from peer-reviewed and reputable journals. You can also download the extension of Unpaywall and install it on Google Chrome for searching articles and research papers.

8. Directory of Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals is the best website to access research papers for free. It contains a rich repository of high-quality articles acquired from peer-reviewed journals. The advanced search features of DOJ can help you find the research papers easily. You can also download the research papers in PDF and read them afterwards. Currently, the website contains research papers from 10,000 open-access journals that cover the following subjects:

  • Science
  • Technology
  • Medicine
  • Social Science
  • Humanities

9. mg facilitates your research and writing process; you can access research papers for free. The purpose of is to make the research process open and discoverable to others. It provides direct links to the research papers that you can download. has access to almost all of the Open Access databases, and you can download the research articles easily. All you have to do is enter the relevant keywords, title, author name, and DOI to gain access to the research papers.

10. Google Scholar

Google Scholar is everyone’s favourite when it comes to research paper articles. Researchers can access research paper articles from peer-reviewed and reputable journals using Google Scholar. Google Scholar has access to millions of research papers and articles. You can enter the relevant keywords in the search bar and retrieve articles from reputable sources. Also, you can use advanced features and filters to narrow down the scope of your research. You can set the relevance by date, author, and period.


The websites mentioned above are the best sources to access research papers for free. You can access research papers on different subjects from Open Access and peer-reviewed journals. You can also download the research papers in PDF formats for future use.

Apart from this, if you want to know about Top 8 Platforms to Find Free Scholarly Articles then please visit our Education category