Bridging the gap between your business and clients is important to make your business successful. As a result of the digital revolution, you now have a variety of advanced technologies that can help you connect with your clients, such as mobile apps, web app, and more. Keeping up with your competitors is also imperative, so it’s not just about connecting with your clients, but how you provide your services to them.

There is no doubt that both mobile apps and web apps are great tools for businesses to interact with clients, but the question is which is right for you. This article explains the differences between web apps and mobile apps, to help you determine the right one for you.

Mobile apps: What you need to know

A mobile app, also known as a mobile application, is software designed to run on smart devices such as smartphones and tablets. A typical app is a small, standalone software package with limited functionality. Mobile apps differ from the integrated software packages that are commonly seen on PCs. Each app specialises on a specific feature, like game, calculator, map, or mobile internet browsing.

Some common types of app that we are familiar with and use on a regular basis are:

  • Apps that are similar to PC video games are also available. Gaming applications are the name for these types of apps.
  • There are also a variety of apps available that are primarily focused on improving company efficiencies through tasks like sending emails, tracking work progress, and so on. Productivity applications are the name for these kinds of apps.
  • Apps like Facebook, Netflix, and others fall into the lifestyle and entertainment category.

Web app: In brief

A web app, also known as a web application, is software that is kept on a distant server. It is mainly distributed via the internet through a browser. You can easily access a web app through a network without even downloading it.

To run a web app successfully, you’ll need three basic components, like: a web server, an application server, and a database. The web server is often in charge of handling client requests. Besides, the application server is responsible for completing the requested task. Furthermore, a database is required to store any relevant information.

 Mobile apps Vs. Web apps: The difference

Mobile apps are available for installation from the App Store of Apple and the Google Play Store. The apps are designed and developed to operate smoothly on specific platforms,like iOS or Android. Web apps, on the other hand, generally support any device and can be accessed using any web browser. Moreover, web apps are difficult to distinguish from mobile apps because they work similarly.

Read further to check out the primary differences between a web app and a mobile app.

The procedure for developing a mobile apps

True, developing a mobile app costs more than developing a web app. Since professionals began employing intermediary languages like JavaScript, the process of developing mobile apps has become much easier. Let’s have a look at how native and hybrid apps are created.

Native app

When developing native mobile apps, experts from companies that provide mobile app development services choose the right language for each platform. Either Objective-C or Swift is required for iOS app development. Furthermore, Android apps are written in Java, and they may be developed using the Android Studio. Eclipse IDE can also be used to develop an Android app.

Hybrid app

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are utilized to create a hybrid app. So, this way an interface has been created that functions and looks like a native app. A hybrid app can be installed similarly to a native app, but once installed, it functions as a web app.

The process of developing a web app

Client-side script languages and server-side code are the two forms of code that experts from organizations that provide web app development services typically utilize to construct a web app. The app’s dynamic features are powered by client-side programming. It uses the users’ web browsers to execute small amounts of code. Server-side programming is written in languages like Python, or Java. Besides, it is in charge of receiving, saving, and transmitting data back to the browser of the users.

There are no conventional software development tools for producing web apps, unlike there are for mobile apps. Above all, creating a web app is considerably simpler than creating a mobile app.

The process of developing a web app

Advantages and disadvantages of mobile apps

Let’s now see what are the advantages and disadvantages of a mobile app:


• When compared to a web app, a mobile app is faster.

• Users prefer to utilize a mobile app since it gives them more flexibility.

• A mobile app can be used even if the user is not connected to the internet.

• There is no security concern since the app stores approve the apps.


  • Developing a mobile app may not be budget-friendly.
  • Only specific platforms can support mobile apps.

Advantages and disadvantages of using a web app

Check out the advantages and disadvantages of using a web app:


  • There is no need to install it because web browsers are required to access web apps.
  • Maintaining and updating web apps is hassle-free and also automatic.
  • When compared to developing a mobile app, developing a web app is more cost-effective.
  • Unlike a mobile app, a web app does not require clearance to launch.


  • Using a web app when offline is not possible for the users.
  • As compared to mobile apps a web app provides fewer features and is also slower.
  • Because there is no specific app store where web apps may be downloaded, customers may have security issues.


So, is a mobile app or a web app a better alternative for you? If you look at the statistics for mobile apps, you’ll notice that they have more users. However, before you make any decisions, you must first assess your project’s overall aim. We’ve also gone over the advantages and disadvantages of both a mobile app and a web app in detail. Make a thorough review of everything we’ve said so far before making any decisions.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Why do I need to hire a web designer? then visit our Business category.