To be a surgeon is one of the most demanding medical disciplines that require resilience, years of dedication and personal sacrifice. As a highly skilled medical profession there is no doubt that they earn a very good amount of money in fact surgeons make a lot more than the average doctor and they are among the highest paid medical professionals.
It seems that surgeons are financially well off but a coin always have two sides of it the, other side of coin displays the hard work and sacrifices that they have to go through which have long lasting implications on their life’s.
Why do surgeons need disability insurance?
Lot of education: – to become a surgeon lot of education is required which goes on like 4 years of undergraduate studied followed by 4 years of medical school and an internship. After completing medical school at least 5 years of medical residency is required. The total time spend to become a surgeon is at least a decade which also includes financial burden and debt. In case of a disability it will certainly become hard to repay your debt.
Long hours and burnout: – surgeons are burdened with lot of work from performing surgeries, do research, daily check up on patients to training new doctors. All this busy schedule means waking up early and sleeping late at night and sometimes also have to deal with the emergency situations at any time of the whole day.
High stress levels: – people’s lives are literally in their hands and are under great pressure to deliver perfect services. The high stress level and increased workload often results into neglecting their own health which makes themselves vulnerable of getting illnesses which can cause disability too.
Financial protector :- being one the most highly skilled jobs which pays a very good amount of money but in case you get a disability because of any injury, accident or illness how would you manage your finances and high profile lifestyle till the time you don’t have a income substitution? Answer to this is disability insurance for surgeon which will cover most fractions of your income and at the same time will protect you from future financial uncertainties.
You would have never thought of getting a disability in baddest of your bad dreams. But, it certainly can happen. At any point of time considering all the challenges involved being a surgeon and dependency of living a high profile life you should definitely think about getting a disability insurance for yourself because whole policy is framed after considering all the challenges and problems. The biggest financial risk for surgeon is losing the ability of turning knowledge and skills into practice after spending huge pile of money for decades to get into this profession. Although there are different types of disability insurances but most suitable disability insurance for surgeons is long – term disability insurance considering the fact that it will get the financial assistance as long as you don’t get back to your work and till then you will also be able to focus on recovery.
Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Health Insurance Plans then visit our Health category.