The rates of properties are increasing with every passing day, which is why people are investing in properties. Whether you are buying it for investment purposes or living in it, the first thing you think about is the security of your house. The reason is that buying a new house in today’s world is not an easy nut to crack.

My uncle belongs to a middle-class family. After 20 years of savings, finally, he bought a new house for his family. He could not afford to buy security systems comprising of new technology, so he did home improvements that did not cost much and enhanced the safety of his home.

We are going to tell you the tips to reduce the chances of accidents, and to make your home safer.

1.     Maintain or Install a New Smoke Detector

Keeping people safe inside the home is equally important as safeguarding your home from intruders outdoors. The first thing you can do for increasing safety indoors is to install a smoke detector in your house or upgrade the detector already installed.

We also advise you to do a gas safety inspection before operating the gas appliances. A gas safety engineer will conduct a deep inspection of every appliance and issue you a gas safety certificate. Gas safe certification is becoming a necessity for the usage of gas appliances.

Install a smoke detector. It will indicate the presence of carbon monoxide or smoke in your house. You can connect it with your mobile, so you can get ample time to inform the concerned persons and evacuate the house.

Moreover, the maintenance of smoke detectors is essential. Make sure to inspect the detectors every year.

2.     Window Security

When it comes to security threats, a window is one of the main paths of intruders. Therefore, we advise you to upgrade windows. Install the latest technology system, and if you can not afford it, go for improvements that will make your windows safer.

Cover all the windows of your house. Blinds or drapes can be an excellent option to cover your windows. You can easily open the drapes to enjoy the sunlight and cover again when the night comes. It will keep you safe from the outsiders sneaking into your house and save you from intruders.

Moreover, you can also apply other security measures for windows like placing window bars, installing window breaking sensors, or reinforcing glass windows. We have mentioned these security measures for your ease, and if you can afford them, you should go for them.

3.     Lock the Doors

While locking the doors seems too basic, we think of it as the most fundamental rule for home improvements. There are many ways to keep the doors of your house locked, and we will talk about them in detail.

Keep your doors locked even if you are going nearby. The intruders look for even the slightest chance, so make sure you don’t give them that chance. Make it your habit.

The technology has made so many advancements in the security field, like face recognition locks. You can install the latest home lock for your house if you can afford it.

4.     Outdoor Lighting and Finding a Friend

We understand that not everyone can afford security systems, and that is why we will tell you about affordable improvements.

Keep good relations with your neighbors, so they keep an eye on your home when you are out on vacation. You can also try other ways like keeping the radio turned on or lamps on to feel like you are at home. You can also ask your neighbor to park their car in your garage when you are not home.

Moreover, outdoor lightings are a great way to keep thieves away from your home. We recommend you install motion-activated lights outside your house. Motion-activated lights turn on automatically as soon as new motion is detected. It will help you stay safe from intruders and save you money.

5.     Eliminate the Hiding Places

Everyone wants safety in the first place. We are here to help you achieve that objective. A recent survey shows that thefts have increased exponentially, making the homeowners worried.

We advise you to trim the giant trees. Although they give a good look at your house, it gives the intruders an advantage to hide. If you are a person who is into gardening and likes nature, go for small flowers. Still, if you want to have trees, make sure they are open and do not provide cover to the intruders.

Other security measures on your house lawn can include locking the main gate, making sure not to leave any expensive items in the garden, and not leaving ladders and stools on the lawn.

6.     Prepare for Unexpected Weather

Natural hazards are something you can never run away from. No matter in which country or city are you, natural disasters can affect you anywhere. The only thing you can do is to prepare for it in advance.

Upgrade your house so you can stay safe from natural disasters. Experts will help you in preparing and upgrading the safety measures. Get a humidifier to fight the dry season. You can have a safe room to battle dangerous storms. Keep your house above the surface level to battle the flood.

Conclusion – Six Home Improvement Tips to Make Your Home Safer

Buying a home is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and when you buy it, it’s your responsibility to save your house and your family members from all kinds of risks. We understand that not everyone can buy expensive security systems.

We have enlisted affordable home improvement ideas, and everyone can apply them easily. All you need to do is plan everything and take one step at a time. Don’t rush things, slow and steady wins the race.

This was all from today’s topic. Let us know about your valuable feedback in the comments. Thank you so much for your time and consideration.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Home Improvement Tips then visit our Home improvement category.