Are you one of those students who place a high value on pronunciation? Do you want to overcome your prejudice against your mother tongue? Do you know how to pronounce the English language? Well! To begin, we’d like to emphasize that speaking properly in English is all about using proper pronunciation and grammar. In the ‘Speaking Test’ of the IELTS exam, an evaluator assesses a candidate’s English competence based on grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, and subject knowledge.

Acing the pronunciation will be a piece of cake if you do the things mentioned in this article and mainly loving the language helps you more in learning. It can surely sound like quite an exasperating task for beginners. But you will manage to ace it all if you remain dedicated to the same. Do you require more detailed IELTS exam guidance? Make use of the best IELTS training resources by joining the top IELTS institute in Jalandhar.

Keep reading this article to understand the effective ways to boost your pronunciation for the IELTS exam

The importance of phonetics

Once you are familiar with the sounds and symbols of the English language, it will be simple to understand the pronunciation of any word in a dictionary using phonetic notation. Another option for ensuring proper pronunciation is to consult a smart dictionary. This provides meaning, phonetic notation, and audio! Isn’t that awesome? You can also use Google to find all of these features. Make it a habit to double-check your pronunciation. No matter how hard one tries, it is impossible to remember the sounds and pronunciation of some words. It is common during the learning process. However, keep repeating this technique until it becomes a habit, and you are no longer afraid of using the proper pronunciation for your IELTS exam.

Speak slowly

This is the most important tip for improving one’s pronunciation. People tend to understand you better when you don’t rush when speaking. You won’t have to repeat anything twice or three times, and you won’t run out of words because you’re not in a hurry. Step 1 is straightforward: practice speaking slowly until it becomes second nature. (This tip applies to any language) In your IELTS exam, if you speak too quickly then the examiner will fail to understand you at all.

Record what you speak

Record whatever you say during your pronunciation practice and then compare it to the model pronunciations from the textbook. You can also record native speakers’ speeches online and compare your recordings to the originals. Only then will you be able to tell if you’re pronouncing things correctly. Make sure you focus on the way your lips move as you pronounce the words during your IELTS exam.

Unfortunately, our perception can be deceiving at times, and we may believe we have perfectly repeated a piece of text when this is not the case. Consider the tone of our voice. Most of us dislike hearing ourselves on tape. But why is that? This is our voice! Only when we speak does it resonate in our cavities, causing us to hear it differently than others. The same goes for all of the sounds we make.

Break down words into sounds

Syllables, or parts, make up words. Words can be made easier to pronounce by dividing them into parts. You must put emphasis on sounds and words. Let us remind you that English is a high-stress language. See few words will be assigned more importance than others. When you say a word out loud, you can hear this. Make use of podcasts and videos on pronunciation. You can improve your English pronunciation by using some excellent resources available on the internet. These will help to understand the ways to boost your pronunciation skills. All this will help you do wonders in the IELTS exam as you ace your pronunciation skills. Now if you need the guidance of mentors to do well in the IELTS exam then joining the top IELTS Institute in Ludhiana will be ideal.

Summing it up

Many students might think that pronunciation is quite tough to improve. But if you focus on some basic tips then it will be very easy for you to ace your pronunciation. The pointers stated above will be quite beneficial for you to understand the way words are pronounced. Thus you will do wonders in the IELTS exam.