If you are embarking on a kitchen renovation or design, you might consider a white kitchen cabinet for a timeless and elegant look. Your kitchen is the busiest hub of your house. So, the design and layout matter.

Antique white kitchen cabinets are popular choices but if you install them in the kitchen, make sure you learn about their pros and cons.

Pros of Antique White Cabinets in the Kitchen

There are many reasons to choose vintage white kitchen cabinets. Let’s check them out.

1. Classic Look That’s Always in Style

White kitchen cabinets have a timeless appearance and do not change with the changing trends of interior design. White color looks classic and it can stand the test of time. Usually, they are considered to be attractive. If you choose white for your kitchen cabinets, you don’t need to think twice about if or not it is going to stay in trend. These kinds of cabinets are going to look good even after 5 years. Hence, once you install the vintage cabinets, they can last you for decades. Regardless you whether you have a traditional or modern home, you can choose vintage white cabinets.

2. Adds Virtual Square Footage

White cabinets when combined with strategic natural and artificial lighting will brighten up the room and make it look more spacious. Light tends to bounce off white kitchen cabinets, brightening up the dark areas. Thus, the space appears to be much larger. Do you have a small kitchen, use antique white kitchen cabinet ideas to make the room look airier and brighter.

3. Makes the Space Look Cleaner

Sure, dark kitchen cabinets can hide dark spots, dirt, and grim. If you don’t clean it properly, it will build up overtime and lead to bacteria and germs.

White might be a lighter color that illuminates grease, spots, and grime for time and quick clean-up. So, antique white cabinets will make it easier for homeowners to clean grime and smudges as they appear.

4. A Versatile Color

White is a versatile color that can adapt to all types of kitchen design- contemporary, traditional, and transitional. What’s even better about having vintage white discount kitchen cabinets is that you change the pulls, knobs, and handles. With them, you can change the look of the kitchen and avoid pricey remodeling.

Cons of Antique White Cabinets in the Kitchen

1. Tend to Get Dirty Very Easily

As white cannot hide stains or smudges, it is can start to look dirty very easily. Hence, it might require proper upkeep and maintenance. If you install a white wholesale cabinet set in the kitchen, you cannot hide something under its surface since it is not as forgiving as other color cabinets. You will have to wipe the white cabinets more than the dark kitchen cabinets.

2. Discolors Over Time

With time, white wholesale cabinets tend to turn yellow and fade. Its exposure to direct sunlight and the cooking process are the two factors that can lead to discoloration and fading. Hence, it robs kitchen cabinets of their pristine quality. While you are cooking, microscopic grease particles which are released into thin air latch onto cabinets. in case the particles are not cleaned regularly, they will gradually turn the cabinets yellow. A solution of baking soda and vinegar, when applied to the cabinet’s surface will help you keep them fresh and bright.

3. Causes Glares

Having antique white cabinets in a sunlit kitchen cabinet can lead to glares and will put a strain on your eyes. Sure, you can fix this problem by using window shade to truncate sunlight and regulate artificial lighting.

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White kitchen cabinets are still popular and will remain so since it is not subject to the whim of design. These cabinets are a practical choice as they are never going to go out of style but they also require more maintenance than other cabinets.

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Home Improvement Tips then visit our Home improvement category.