Tandem parking is getting very popular in Australia. This parking for car option is an excellent solution for people residing in big cities like Perth where there is limited parking space. In fact, tandem parking is great for people living in an apartment. Basically, in tandem parking, two cars occupy the same parking space with one car in front and the other behind the first car. 

What Do You Mean By Tandem Parking?

Tandem parking means that in a parking lot you are assigned two parking spaces. However, the parking space is configured like a single spot that has enough space to park two or more vehicles in a comfortable manner. Technically, parking space is available for more than one vehicle, but in tandem parking, the first car that was parked in the allotted space will be blocked in once the second vehicle parks behind it. In simple terms it means, if you have parked your car first then you cannot move your car easily until the second car is pulled out. 

Tandem parking lot can be designed in several ways. It could be a long, narrow parking space, or a carport. This type of parking is even available in a regular garage form, where the width and height are the same as a regular garage, but the depth is usually more to hold two vehicles comfortably. 

What Are The Pros Of Tandem Parking?

There are several benefits to having a tandem parking lot, such as: 

    • First of all you get to have a secured car parking space of your own: Technically, you have only one parking space, but here two people agree mutually to share the parking for car space with each other. 

    • Secondly, a tandem parking lot is much cheaper as compared to having a personal parking space. As two cars share the same parking space, the money is also divided between two people.

    • Thirdly, tandem car space is very convenient as tandem parking is mostly available below your apartments. This means your car is parked right outside your unit and you do not have to walk for miles to have access to your car. 

What Are The Cons Of Tandem Parking?

While tandem parking is getting very popular in big cities like Perth, it comes with some drawbacks too:

    • If the second car is already parked, you might not always have access to your allotted parking space. This can be very uncomfortable at times. This particular problem does arise when vehicles are parked side-by-side in a lot or driveway.

    • In case, you are sharing the tandem parking lot with a person having a different mindset, then it will definitely affect your peace of mind. 

    •  At times, sharing the space of a tandem parking lot can be hard to enforce, especially if you need to share the space with a quarrelsome person. In such a situation others cannot help in solving your problem. 

If you are living in a big city or an apartment having tandem parking for cars, there is nothing to worry about. With some planning and forethought, it is very easy to manage a tandem parking space with minimal issues.

Best Ways To Manage Tandem Parking Lots

Effective Communication

To make sure that no problem arises when it comes to storage for cars in a tandem parking lot, good communication is very important. By communicating clearly and frequently, it becomes easier to understand each other’s schedules. Through proper communication, spontaneous needs and issues that are unavoidable can also be managed effectively. 

If the situation demands, you can easily book spaces in advance in a tandem parking lot with those who share the parking space with you. When it comes to securing a space for parking a car, being timid about asking for what you need will not solve the problem. Remember that changes, emergencies, and spontaneous needs are part and parcel of life, so good communication skills are extremely important. 

Rotational Method 

In a tandem parking lot, problems will not arise if both parties follow the rotational method. The rotation method means you take turns parking your car in the tandem parking space on the first slot for a week and the other person parks in the second slot and vice versa. Consider doing a week-to-week rotation schedule to avoid any kind of problem. 

The rotational method works best when your schedule is similar to your parking partner. However, the rotation method in tandem car space will not work effectively if you both have schedules that change frequently. 

Implement Rules And Regulations

When it comes to availing a parking lot in tandem car space, it is important to know the rules and regulations and follow them religiously. By rules and regulations, it means the policies, procedures and different measures that need to be implemented in a tandem parking lot by both parties.

Each apartment has its own set of rules and regulations that will help you manage your spaces in a better fashion. When the rules and regulations are followed there is less chance of having issues between two people. The rules can be followed effectively through proper communication. 


Tandem parking is common in large, congested cities where there is a limited parking lot. For access to your parking lot in a tandem car space, simply follow the above-mentioned solutions. This way tandem parking will not only be effective but also a good solution for safe and secure car parking in Perth.

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