Electric Vehicles (EVs)- The battery-powered cars of the future are a new trend all set to replace the traditional automotive that utilizes fossil fuels.

The world is now more interested than ever in switching to EVs after realizing the effects of hydrocarbons. One of the primary negative impacts of burning fossil fuels is the climate change and the ‘greenhouse effect.’ Therefore, environmental concern remains the top reason for adopting Electric Vehicles.

Notably, many people are still not completely familiar with the concept of EVs, which is why they’ve formed inaccurate perceptions about the same. Therefore, those are the myths we’re going to bust today from the medium of this article.

So, are you excited?

Then, keep reading to learn more!

Read more – AI in Connected Vehicles: The Massive Revolution in Automotive Industry!

Myths About EVs That Need Immediate Attention!

– EVs Need Frequent Charging

According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, even the lowest range of EVs can travel up to 80 miles or more before recharging.

For instance, one of the most pocket-friendly EVs includes the Nissan Leaf that can run an average of 150 miles on a single charge. While on the expensive side, Tesla’s Model S can run about 335 miles.

– Electric Cars are Harmful to the Environment

Some people argue that EVs are as harmful to the environment as any other automotive.


Well, manufacturing processes are complex and demands sourcing of raw materials, manufacturing, shipping, etc. Therefore, building an EV involves all these processes that can be harmful to the planet.

In reality, using an EV is a much safer option for planning than using a gas vehicle. Notably, EVs generate brake dust; however, they do not emit CO2 or any other harmful gases.

– EVs are Slow

It’s the complete opposite with EVs as they’re much faster than gasoline-powered automotive. Again, it is because of the availability of the torque generated to its fullest. Additionally, once the pedal is accelerated, they transition the speed to instant and quick.

– EVs are Unsafe for a Ride

EVs are low-volume vehicles and are tested by NHTSA and Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Also, if there is any concern regarding EV batteries catching fire, it is an exaggerated myth!

– EV Maintenance and Repair is a Costly Affair

Undoubtedly, EVs are much cheaper than ICE-powered transport. Not only this, but EVs do not demand frequent oil change, and only fewer parts require replacement.

Indeed, EVs are a popular substitute for gas-powered automobiles, which is why many entrepreneurs have started developing EV charging station finder apps. Undoubtedly, there’s a growing need for such apps keeping in mind that these stations can be difficult to locate on an unknown route.

Therefore, with the help of charging station finder applications, drivers can charge their cars as soon as the battery is about to drain.

Are you looking forward to building one?

Here’s Why You Must Invest in EV Charging Station Finder APP:

EVs have been around for a while; however, it is only now that they have started getting all the limelight. As mentioned earlier, as more and more people are attracted to the idea of using an electric vehicle, the demand for EV charging stations will increase. Thus, there will be an increase in the number of mobile apps that help drivers locate the same.

Did you know?

The global market for EVs is likely to grow the maximum between 2020 and 2027 at a combined growth rate of 46.5%.

Also, here are the best business models if you’re planning to build an EV charging station finder app:

– Membership Fee

In exchange for your services and benefits, you may charge a decent fee from your app users. Therefore, the plan can be monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.

Isn’t it a tremendous revenue generation idea?

– Paid/Sponsored Ads

You may shake hands with other businesses to view their promotional content on your app in exchange for revenue.

To Sum Up!

There are multiple ways to develop an EV charging station finder app that will add value to your customer’s experience and offer you benefits. However, it is vital to amalgamate the right technology and functionalities to attract a solid consumer base.

Therefore, reaching out to the professionals and getting them on board for the project is your best shot!

Do you agree?

Connect with the best mobile app development company for more insights on your idea!