Many of the most influential IT leaders today are searching for new ways to implement unified communications (opens in new windows) and collaboration strategies. Ovum’s recent research shows that seven out of ten IT executives are planning to invest in new collaboration technology in 2020. Because the nature of work is changing, IT leaders must be looking for ways to retain talent. Workers today want to be able to work where, when, and how they want. They need collaboration tools (opens in a new window) that can keep up.

You can work here, there, and everywhere

There are approximately 4 million people working remotely in the UK. This number is expected to grow to 50% by 2020. Working from home is a trend that will not be lost. People can work remotely from public toilets, zoos, and mountains. Remote working technology needs to evolve to meet these unique working environments.

Employees desire to have unsurpassed audio so that they can work in a variety of low-bandwidth environments, whether at home or in the office. It takes a village for a child to be raised, and that is also true when it comes down to business-wide projects. Video conferencing software (opens in a new tab) allows employees to communicate with each other regardless of where they are located. This concept has the main advantage of allowing face-to-face communication with others in real-time. It also allows for compatible communication across devices and the possibility to link existing video-conferencing systems, so anyone can join the conversation at any moment.

Secure a nation with remote workers

From small start-ups to enterprise-level global conglomerates, video conferencing, content-sharing(opens in a new tab), and other collaboration technologies are now essential additions to every business. Companies must be able to protect their networks from the possible threats presented by a connected digital environment in order to make use of these technologies effectively.

IT leaders must have confidence that all information being shared or discussed is safe, especially at the executive level. A single trusted platform for collaboration that provides a single point of communication, content sharing, and meeting hosting greatly reduces the risk of security breaches. Remote security is a priority for mobile workers. This has led to an increase in requests for IT staff that are overstretched or under-resourced. Single sign-on technology (opens in a new tab) can be used to add security for employees who log on from different locations around the globe. This policy is good for all access requirements, but it also reinforces the advantages of one secure and robust communication platform. It’s also a great way to keep IT staff happy.

We have seen a surge in collaboration technologies being introduced to the market. This is along with a multitude of tools that aid communication such as call center software (opens in a new window) with integrations for productivity or collaboration. Employees are overwhelmed by the number of apps available and it is becoming difficult to switch between them.

This can lead to lower productivity, which can be detrimental to many organizations. The market demands a new approach to app use. We will see more businesses adopting a collaborative hub model which combines these tools to encourage employee creativity. AI (opens in a new tab) is a tool for collaborative communication that aims to facilitate seamless collaboration and increase workplace efficiency. This is evident in the priorities of business leaders.

Nearly four out of every four IT executives have AI technology on their agendas. Businesses are investing in AI and cognitive technology to speed up work and take the mundane tasks of workers, such as taking notes in meetings or transcribing interviews, off their plates. This gives you more time to do the “good stuff”. This means that there is more time for more important, but also more valuable, collaborative tasks such as brainstorming, planning, and presenting.

Technology that is based on collaborative hubs can be used to improve productivity, performance, and most importantly, well-being in the workplace. Businesses can give their employees the opportunity to work in remote areas, such as the top of a mountain, or at their local zoo. They will not be harmed by these solutions.

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