Do you often get sleepy while studying for the UPSC exam? Is laziness becoming the hurdle while preparing for the UPSC exam? Do you want to beat your sluggishness to make your study session productive? If you have tried a number of tactics to beat your laziness while preparing for the UPSC exam but have not got any results, this article will help you for sure. 

In this article, we have given some peaceful, energetic and proven tips to keep your laziness at bay throughout your UPSC exam preparation. You can follow these tips for a week continuously and notice whether you have achieved any outcome or not. If the tips are working for you, you can follow these tips for the rest of your preparation journey. Well, if you are clear in your mind to join a coaching institute for effective UPSC exam preparation, consider finding a top platform on Search India. 

Here is a list of tips that will help you fend off your laziness during UPSC exam preparation: 

Choose a comfortable study space 

If your study space is not comfortable and suitable for a productive study session, it will lower your concentration and interest while preparing for the exam. For instance, if you are studying in your bed, you will be more likely to feel sleepy. However, if you are studying in a noisy area, you will get distracted and may not be able to focus on the concepts. Therefore, make sure that your space is peaceful and that there is a proper study table available. Besides this, the other factors that matter while preparing for the UPSC exam are proper ventilation and lighting in your study room. So, before commencing your UPSC exam preparation, make sure that everything in your study space is as per your comfort. 


It is actually imperative for you to unwind a bit. A Continuous study session would be daunting and irritating. A time will come when it will be hard for you to continue. Therefore, instead of fixing a long study session, you can go for short study sessions with a 15 minutes break after each session. This break could be utilized to rejuvenate your mind. So, you can either play some games, do some leisure activities, watch a movie, have a talk with your loved ones or roam in your garden to feel relaxed and calm. Rejuvenating will recharge your mind and body and make you ready to have your next study session energetically. 

Have light but frequent meals 

Heavy meals that are rich in sugar and carbohydrates can make you feel lethargic. You might have noticed that you feel more sleepy on sundays. It is because Indians usually eat heavy breakfast on Sundays which makes them feel lazy. Therefore, avoid eating anything heavy while preparing for the UPSC exam, instead opt for light and healthy food options. Such as, you can ingest berries, nuts, spinach, seeds, fresh fruits, juices, coconut water and fresh veggies to get proper nutrition and energy. Well, if sleep is still overpowering you, you can have a bar of dark chocolate or a coffee. However, make sure not to drink coffee in excessive amounts as caffeine present in it can affect your health. 

Always think about the consequences 

Whenever you think about the negative results of something, you will get convinced to not do that blunder. So, whenever you feel sleepy and your mind forces you to procrastinate on your work in order to sleep, make sure to imagine its consequences. For instance, if you procrastinate on your work, your syllabus will be pending and you need to appear in the exam with an incomplete syllabus. This will result in poor performance and lower scores. Thinking like this will give you the courage to study attentively in order to crack the exam. However, if you are still not able to concentrate, a power nap will work for you but make sure it won’t last for more than 20 minutes. 

Drink enough water 

An inadequate amount of water content in your body could be the reason for your sluggishness. Therefore, make sure to drink sufficient amounts of water to feel hydrated and active for the entire day. Make sure to carry your water bottle along with you everywhere to have a sip of water whenever required. Well, you can also get water content through various alternatives such as fruits, juices, herbal tea, coconut water, etc. A lesser amount of water in your body can shrink your brain nerves and hamper your focusing ability. So, drink enough water to stay focused for the whole day. 

Do you want to have a constructive study session by enrolling in the best UPSC coaching institute in Bilaspur? If so, Search India can serve the purpose and help you look for a reliable coaching platform. 

Wrapping up: 

To wrap up, the UPSC exam is considered the toughest exam in India. So, complete attention is required to prepare every part of the syllabus really well. Therefore, make sure to beat your laziness by following the above-mentioned tips and get ready to achieve a desirable rank in the exam. 

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