The one thing that is ubiquitous in all women’s wardrobe is a jewelry box. Whether it is full of opulent gems and jewelry items or just fake pieces, a woman’s wardrobe is incomplete without a jewelry box. Whether it is your wedding day or just a regular party, you love complimenting your dress and look with some fine pieces of jewelry. 

But you have to accept that every woman has those days when they are all decked up, sitting with their open jewelry box and thinking what to choose and how to wear. In such cases, you either shut the jewelry box and put back everything or choose jewelry pieces that you have been wearing for ages. Well, both these options are not good, especially if you wish to look your best. 

Wearing the right jewelry with the right dress and in the right way is nothing less than an art and every woman should master this art in order to look flawless, glamorous and beautiful. But if you are fed up with the old way of wearing jewelry and you rarely wear Meira t earrings, here are some tips to ameliorate your jewelry styling without putting in much effort. 

When in doubt, just layer it 

If you are all decked up, done with the makeup and have chosen the right heels to hit the floor, all you need to complete the look is a nice piece of jewelry. But many times, even after spending hours scouring through the jewelry box and looking through Meira t designs, we are not able to decide what to wear and how to wear. 

Well, if you are in any kind of doubt while exploring the jewelry box and going through different jewelry pieces, you can play safe and stick to layering. Layering is always fun and exciting as it allows you to incorporate different pieces in your style statement. 

Whether it is earrings, necklace or bracelet, layering can be used to mix different pieces. Plus, layering also allows your wide collection of jewelry pieces to get their time in the sun and you never gripe about missing a jewelry piece that could have looked fantastic. 

Experiment with mixing metals 

There used to be a time when mixing different jewelry materials together was considered a fashion sin but we have come past that age and now such experimentation is mostly adored by women and the fashion realm. There is no need to follow a fashion lexicon while experimenting with your Meira t designs. 

You have the freedom of mixing gold pendant with a silver chain and a metal pendant necklace and you can still rock the floor and make everyone turn back to give you a glance of appreciation. 

If you are worried about how you would look after mixing different jewelry metals, you can wear a necklace with pendants that contrast with the color of the chain they are linked to and at the same time, you can wear rings that is a perfect amalgamation of different metals or bangles in different metals. 

Know when to shop 

It is always fun to layer and experiment with different jewelry pieces and jewelry metals but at the same time, you should know the boundaries and know when it is being overdone. If you can easily draw attention to your neckline and face by layering Meira t necklaces, there is no need to wear bracelets or bangles. 

Or, if you are wearing some fine pieces of Meira T earrings, you can keep the necklaces in the box and avoid layering anything on your neckline. However, if you know how to match a bold pair of necklace with earrings, you can do so and look amazing. 

Even if you don’t know when to stop while layering or experimenting with jewelry, you just have to remember this famous quote “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory”.

Always define the focal point 

There is no need to cover your entire body in jewelry and make yourself look like an Indian Queen ready to attend a mega-event. Always remember to dress up that part of the body where you want people’s glance to be directed. It is always a good idea to focus on only part of the body like the neck, face or the hands. 

For example, if you want the focus to be narrowed down to your face and neckline, you can wear some nice pieces of Meira T necklaces and pair them with bold earrings while if you want your hands to steal the show, you can go for some bangles or an opulent and glamorous looking bracelet. 

Learn how to compliment your outfit with your jewelry 

The selection of the right jewelry is the key to successful look and outfit. You must fathom what goes best with what. You might think mastering the art of complimenting an outfit with jewelry might be a daunting task but once you begin trying different Meira T jewelry from your jewelry box, it will become a cakewalk. 

Before you choose a perfect Meira T jewelry from the box, it is necessary to consider the event or occasion you are attending. Matching the jewelry according to the occasion is the best way to keep things simple while still slaying the event with your look. 

You can either choose the jewelry pieces and then decide on the outfit or you can first choose the outfit and then choose the jewelry accordingly. Both ways, you will end up complimenting one part of your overall look through another and this should always be your motive while trying different jewelry pieces. 

Jewelry has been used for styling for thousands of years but the way women wear jewelry has changed a lot. Now, everyone prefers a minimalist look and if you are looking for new ways to level up your jewelry styling, just use this blog post as a guide.