podiatrist email list, every subscriber on your podiatrist email listshould be a revenue-generating source. They would be responding to your emails, and business would be smooth. But that doesn’t happen very often. Some subscribers become inactive over time.

It raises the question- should you keep them on your list or not? Read on to know why you should retain inactive subscribers and when is the right time to remove them.

Why do subscribers become inactive of podiatrist email list?

Subscribers sign up with a purpose. When the purpose is no longer fulfilled, they see no point in continuing to interact with your emails. Subscribers become inactive for various reasons-

It is possible to improve your ROI by removing inactive subscribers from your podiatrist mailing list. But, before we dive deeper, let’s understand the engagement types.

Email service providers use engagement metrics, such as open and click-through rates, to rank your emails. This ranking, which is based on positive and negative email engagement, affects your sender reputation.

What are the advantages of buying lists of podiatrist email list?

  • Well-segmented database to target niche industries
  • Global outreach: Over 13.5k podiatrists’ data records
  • CRM-friendly files: downloadable .csv and .xls formats
  • 100% CASL and GDPR-compliant data
  • Data credits: If the inconsistencies exceed the allowed limit

Why should you keep inactive subscribers of podiatrist email list?

It is easier to revive the existing subscribers’ interest, even if inactive, than to get new subscribers. Subscribers who have remained inactive for a few months can be roped in with effective re-engagement strategies. They were once interested in your business, responded positively to your emails, and even purchased your product but have since become quiet for various reasons. It doesn’t mean you strike them off your podiatrist contact list. Sometimes, all the subscribers need is a gentle reminder and a nudge in the right direction to open and respond to your email again.

How can you re-engage the inactive subscribers?

Your re-engagement strategies will depend on how long the subscribers have remained inactive. Dividing the inactive subscribers by this duration gives you a better idea of how to create your strategies-

  • Subscribers who haven’t been active in about 6-12 months

You need to confirm if these subscribers are still interested in being part of your podiatrist mailing database. Direct them to your preference center, where they can choose the sending cadence to be consistent with their email tolerance. Dial down the frequency of your emails- instead of sending them daily, send them weekly. If you were already sending once a week, send once a month. If the subscribers still don’t respond, ask them after 6 months if they want to continue hearing from you. Should silence be the answer, then it is time to say goodbye.

  • Subscribers who were never active at all

If the subscribers signed up to your podiatrist directorybut never opened your emails, clicked on links, or made a purchase, receiving your emails was never their intention. Continuing to send emails to them can seriously damage your sender reputation. Email service providers will start sending your emails to spam or block your emails completely. These are two situations you have to avoid at all costs. Simply put, remove the subscribers from your list.

Wrapping up

The criterion for re-engagement is that the subscribers should have interacted with your business. If the message in their inbox reminds them of what it was like to engage with your emails, they will likely reconnect.

If you have built your email list, very well. But, if you want to purchase it, consider Healthcare Mailing’s podiatrist contacts, which are frequently updated to ensure they don’t contain inactive email addresses. Because how will you re-engage inactive subscribers when they haven’t heard of you before? Subscribers who have given explicit consent and opted into the list have the highest likelihood of being engaged, which keeps your deliverability rate high.

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Emma Thompson
Emma Thompson is a certified health coach and a fitness enthusiast. She is dedicated to helping people improve their overall health and well-being by adopting healthy habits and making positive lifestyle changes. With over 7 years of experience in the field, Emma has written extensively on a wide range of health topics, including nutrition, fitness, stress management, and holistic health. Her mission is to empower and inspire others to take charge of their health and transform their lives. In her free time, Emma enjoys hiking, practicing yoga, and experimenting with healthy recipes in the kitchen.