Congratulations! You have made it much more likely that someone will offer you a job after you graduate. How do we know? Well, according to statistics, over 70% of internships end with the company offering the intern a job.

If you’re here, you’ve probably already done an internship or are thinking about doing one. For the internship courses online you can attend the internship program in india.

Now you’re wondering, “How should I describe my internship on my resume?” Luckily, that’s exactly what we’re going to answer here.

How to Know When to Put Your Internship on Your Resume

It is a good idea to put your internship on your resume. It can give you a big edge over other people when you’re trying to get your first job or get into a new field.

There are some places, though, where it’s not a good idea.

For example, if you worked as a college intern as a librarian but are applying for a job in engineering, you should probably leave that experience off your resume. This shows why students should only look for internships related to the careers they want to have in the future.

So, you should list internships on your resume if:

You just finished school, so you don’t have a lot of work experience.

The internship was at a business in the same industry or closely related to it. During the internship, you learned skills and gained knowledge that are useful for the job you are applying for.

Your internship experience can also be an important part of the story you tell about yourself on your resume, like if you are changing careers.

Even if you have a lot of full-time work experience, you can choose to leave out some internships from your resume. However, most professionals, even those with a lot of experience, choose to highlight internships when applying for jobs in the same or similar industry.

Where to Put the Internship Experience

How you put your internship on your resume can make a big difference. You can do one of two things:

Experience at Work

An internship is a great way for new college graduates to get work experience. So, when you write your resume, feel free to include your internship in the section for “work experience” or “work history,” along with any other jobs you may have had.

But be sure to make it clear that it was an internship and not a part-time job.

Experience with Internships

You can also list your impressive internships in a separate section. This option is best for people who have done a lot of great internships.

Also, if the work is closely related to the job, you can put “internship experience” above your work experience.

A step-by-step guide to putting internships on your resume

It can be hard to get started in a new field, and that’s where internships come in. They help bridge the gap between a new college graduate and a worker who is ready for the future.

An internship gives you all the tools and tips you need to be a great worker. You will learn about the real world of work, relevant technology, teamwork, communication, collaboration, and much more.

Employers also know what an intern can do for them. Because of this, students who have internships are 85% more likely to have jobs when they graduate.

But all the work you put into finding the right internship and putting your heart and soul into it could be for nothing if you can’t put it on your resume.

Here is a step-by-step guide to put your internship on your resume in a way that will grab the attention of employers and increase your chances of getting the job or at least an interview with the recruiter.

Make a good first impression by choosing the right template.

It’s important to be able to picture what our resume can look like. A good layout can make all the difference in the world because it shows the hiring manager that you are organised and professional even before they read a word.

But that’s not all. For example, a law firm would like a resume that is more organised, but a graphic designer job would like a resume that shows more creativity.

So, find out which resume templates are best for your industry. You could also use an online resume builder, which has thousands of tried-and-true templates.

But if you aren’t sure, you can always go with a simple design, which works in almost every industry.

Start with a bang

This part is a short story about who you are as a professional.

Start by finding out what the most important qualities are for your ideal role. Here, the job description is your holy grail. Once you know what the role requires, focus on how your internship experience matches up with those needs.

Pay attention to the best and most important parts of your internship.

Make sure to give the description a little bit of your own style. Use strong, positive, and descriptive words and phrases, for example, to paint a clear picture. This shows the recruiter that you know how to take into account the company’s needs and would be a better fit for the company’s culture.

Put in your skills: you have more than you think.

Every job you apply for should be reflected in the skills you list on your resume, and internship experience is no different.

In the section for employer-requested skills, the best way to show off your internship experience is to make a master list of all the skills you’ve learned before and during your internships. But make sure you can show why those are true.

Once you have the master list, you can pick and choose the skills from the job description. You don’t have to just list technical skills here. Adding your soft skills can also show that you are a good candidate for a job, especially if you have done an internship from home.

Remote work is the way of the future, and a remote internship will help you stand out from the crowd. So, add soft skills to your internship experience, such as remote communication and collaboration, discipline, time management, and more, and you’ll be sure to be on the shortlist of candidates.

Give employers what they want to see by listing your accomplishments.

Lastly, put on the resume what you did and what you accomplished during your internship. List briefly all the projects you’ve finished as an intern, the teams you’ve led, and the values you’ve brought to the company.

Recruiters love to get a better idea of what you could do if you got a full-time job with their company, and this is the perfect time to give them some details.

Talk to your former boss if you don’t know what you’ve done. They can show you what you did as an intern and how you helped. Plus, they can tell you how to frame and organise your past accomplishments so that they meet the needs of the hiring managers.

At Virtual Internships, all of our students work on projects for their internships. So, by the end of your internship, you can always have a list of what you’ve done and what you’re responsible for.

Adding a virtual internship to your resume is a good idea.

Over time, it’s gotten harder to get an internship. But how can you make sure you are one of the few lucky ones? We can help with that.

Virtual Internships is a great way for ambitious students like you to connect with the best host companies in the world. Here, you’ll be in charge of your internship programme in every way. Review your project at the beginning, connect with the pre-screened host companies, adjust our flexible programmes to fit your schedule while you are still in school, and get an internship that will make you stand out.

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