Since the Coronavirus pandemic, most office activities have been transferred to the online world. Working from home became the norm instead of working in an office. As a result, events, meetings, and gatherings that used to be held in an office have evolved.

Thanks to technological advances, event management, and excellent organization skills, holding an office party doesn’t need to be entirely physical. In fact, you might notice the growth of remote and hybrid events making their rounds in the workplace.

First and foremost, what is a hybrid event? A hybrid event is an event that has both physical and virtual components. This can be in the form of having some attendees physically present at the venue while others join in virtually.

You might be wondering what a hybrid event entails and how you can organize one for your workplace. In this article, we’ll list five tips to help you out.

Have a consistent theme

When planning a hybrid event, it is essential to have a consistent theme throughout the event. This will help create a cohesive atmosphere for both the physical and virtual attendees. If possible, try to use the same décor, colors, and overall aesthetic for both the physical and virtual spaces.

For example, provide virtual backgrounds that attendees can use during the event. This will help create a sense of immersion for those who are joining virtually.

Hold a scavenger hunt

One way to engage your physical and virtual attendees is to hold a scavenger hunt. This can be done by physically hiding objects in the physical space that you can only find by attending the event. For the virtual attendees, you can hide clues in the digital space that you can only find by logging into the event online.

Appreciate your colleagues with an awards show

One of the best ways to appreciate your colleagues is by holding an awards show. This can be done virtually or physically, depending on your preference. You can even have a mix of both! If you’re planning on having a physical awards show, send out invitations in advance so that your colleagues can plan accordingly.

Try to add a twist to the event to make the awards show a bit more exciting for your colleagues. For example, you can have a themed awards show or a mini-game show before the main event. For remote attendees, you can send out kits that they can use to participate in the event.

Create the same atmosphere for virtual and in-person events

When it comes to atmosphere, try to create the same feeling for both virtual and in-person events. You can do this by playing the same music, having the same décor, or even serving the same food. If you want to go the extra mile, you can even send out goodie bags to your physical attendees that include items such as snacks, drinks, and office party favors.

Stick to a schedule

Lastly, sticking to a schedule when planning a hybrid event is essential. This will help ensure that both the physical and virtual attendees are able to experience the event evenly. 

If possible, try to create a schedule that includes breaks for both groups so that everyone has a chance to take a breather. Having a schedule also ensures that everyone knows when the event starts and ends.

Wrapping Up

A hybrid event doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Remember to keep a consistent theme, hold a scavenger hunt, appreciate your colleagues with an awards show, create the same atmosphere for virtual and in-person events, and stick to a schedule. 

By following these five tips, you’ll be on your way to hosting a successful event that everyone will enjoy. And remember, the most important thing is to have fun!

Apart from this, if you are interested to know more about Emergencies in the Workplace then visit our Business category.