As screens are a regular component of our culture these days, there are health advantages to minimizing screen time. This includes reducing obesity, enhancing bodily health, and additional time to explore and play. This is specifically ideal for children investing a significant amount of period learning on tablets as well as computers and lesser time in the kids play area.

The average recommended time spent on screens is about 7 to ten hours. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics’ suggestions for a permissible amount of screen time are:

·       2 hours a day for adults and teens

·       1 hour per day for kids aged 2 to 12

·       Zero screen time for children under 2

Restricting screen time also helps parents maintain a closer eye on what their kids are doing on the internet. For kids, particularly teens, there is research in relation to the negative effects of screen time. It is also linked to depression, anxiety as well as attention span.

The following tips can effectively help you trim your kid’s screen time when not present in school:

1. Be accountable, realistic & engaged

If your children are putting in a lot of time surfing on screens, assign them small tasks. They should be manageable, more achievable objectives. Set expectations with your kids, and set goals to be intentional about reducing screen time.

After school or work, spend time each day talking face-to-face with kids and giving them your full attention. Instead of jumping right to the recommended one to two hours or less per day, start by cutting their current screen time in half.

2. Model Healthy Electronic Use

Keep in mind that you are putting yourself as an example for your kids with your own time spent in front of a screen. Parents need to be role models of screen use for their kids. Keeping scrolling through your phone any time you have a spare minute or putting the TV on for background noise all the time may not help you to model the screen-related attitude you wish to see in your kids.

4. Use Parental Controls

There are tools available that you can utilize to save your kids from accessing explicit content on TV or the Internet. If your children own smartphones, there are also built-in apps or settings you can download. That helps you to develop content filters. It will help to block related web searches, websites, or even certain keywords.

5. Set Aside Time to Unplug

When you all decide to set aside your devices, it offers your family the chance to spend quality, thoughtful time together. Put aside time for your entire family to unplug from their technological instruments. An hour before bedtime or dinnertime are two examples. You may think along the lines of doing a longer family digital detox, such as over a vacation or a school break.

6. Keep Your Child’s Bedroom Screen-Free

You will not be able in a position to monitor your child’s screen use if they are capable of using devices away from your sight. For this purpose, define a rule that video game systems, TVs, and computers are not allowed in their bedroom. This also involves handheld devices that your children might be attracted to use late at night, which could impede their quality of sleep.

7. Encourage Other Activities

Appreciate your child to look out and become engaged in outdoor adventure activities in Dubai that do not require a screen. Playing externally, studying a book, or even playing an onboard game are just a handful of ideas. It can also support you in establishing a schedule that all in your living place follow.

Putting it clear before your kids when they are permitted on screens as they see some useful information. When they are not will support them in understanding your expectations and can save you from arguments. With a wide plethora of games, apps, content, and devices. It’s very handy for kids to become dependable on electronics for the purpose of entertainment.

Keeping the phone down and playing outdoors and even taking a walk boosts your endorphins. It sparks up your mood and enhances your physical health. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulting online learning models, many kids are incorporating more screen time as part of their school day. That’s why it’s critically important than ever to minimize the utilization of electronics the for the entire remaining part of the day.

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