You might be aware of the very first hack suggested by every technical expert to resolve any Netgear extender-related issue. It is rebooting. But, the situation can be awry when rebooting itself becomes an irritating problem and the user is forced to rethink why he/she performed Netgear WiFi extender setup Are you also tired of constant reboots of your Netgear device? If yes, then this post is all about fixing it. Read on to know how to fix it.

Fixed: Constant Reboots of Netgear Extender

  1. Verify Power Source

You might be witnessing constant reboots of your Netgear range extender due to the fact that it is connected to a poorly working power socket. Have a look at the power source to verify the same. In case our assumption is true, then it is the moment that you connect your range extender to another but a properly working power socket. However, doing so won’t be able to help you out if constant reboots are happening due to random power outages in your area. In that case, you ought to use a UPS to power up your WiFi device.

  1. Check the Ethernet Cable

The Ethernet cable connecting your Netgear extender and router can also be the reason why you are seeing constant reboots of your device. Just in case you are wondering how then do yourself some favor and take a look at the Ethernet cable. Is it intact? If it is, then nothing needs to be done. However, if the situation is the opposite, then you ought to flip it and replace it with a newly bought cable. Additionally, take care of the fact that only a finger-tight connection will be able to help you get the maximum performance from your Netgear wireless extender.

  1. Update the Firmware

Chances are that the rebooting issue with your Netgear extender has arisen because of an outdated firmware version. It seems that you’re quite lazy when it comes to performing firmware updates. Therefore, get your hands on a mobile device or a computer accessing the extender’s Netgear_ext and update the firmware to its latest version. FYI, the mobile device will help you do the Netgear extender update via the Nighthawk application whereas a laptop will aid you with the same via the dashboard of the wireless range extender.

  1. Change the Extender’s Location

At times, it is the location of the extender that is messing up with the performance and causing constant reboots. Perhaps, you are also suffering due to the same reason. Is your range extender placed in a congested area? If the answer is yes, then we advise you to bring your device to a new location. But, the condition is that the newly chosen location needs to be free of televisions, microwave ovens, cordless phones, baby monitors, Bluetooth Speakers, aquariums, glasses, lenses, etc. In addition, avoid placing your wireless device in an area that has housed an object containing a large amount of water.

  1. Cool Down the Extender

The excessive overheating of your wireless device can also lead to the emergence of the issue in the talk. It seems that you never give rest to your range extender. If it is true, then it’s a no-shocker that your device is overheating thereby rebooting constantly. To do away with the problem, we suggest you give some rest to your range extender and cool it down. Thus, power it down and let the technical glitches settle down. After some time, power up the extender. Additionally, ensure that your device sits in a well-ventilated room and is away from all kinds of direct heat sources.

The Final Thought

The constant reboots of Netgear extender is a generally occurring problem that can easily be gotten rid of if you are aware of the proper troubleshooting techniques to fix it. Although we’ve tried to put all the hacks that can be given a shot to resolve the problem, however, the situation might arise when none of these hacks work in your favor. In this context, take our advice and reset your WiFi extender to the default factory mode. Relax! It’s not that difficult. Just push Reset and the rest will happen. But, after you’re done with the factory reset process, consider accessing the URL to configure your wireless device from the very beginning.

Apart from that, if you are interested to know about to Boost Netgear Router Performance? then visit our Tech category.