Fashion is an ever-changing or say constantly evolving industry. With the change in taste, there is a paradigm shift in the trends that the masses follows. Brands have to constantly upgrade and innovate themselves in order to survive these harsh market trends. Despite all these constant changes one thing that has stood the test of time is the classics, the vintage-inspired fashion. There’s something about vintage-inspired jewelry that transcends the boundaries of time and captures the hearts of generations. These kinds of jewelry are considered to be the work of art and they evoke a nostalgic feeling. In this article, we are going devel into the charms of Vintage inspired jewelry, its history, design, and the reason why it still continues to be this beloved in the eyes of every generation.

The History of Vintage-inspired Jewelry

The essential characteristic of Vintage Inspired Jewelry from Evry Jewels is that it transports you to the past. It acts like an aesthetically beautiful time machine. While wearing these pieces you can feel that every piece carries a fragment of history, a connection from the past and these stories add value to these timeless pieces. Be it the romanticism of the Victorian era with bold geometric patterns or the art deco of the roaring 1920s’, these jewelry pieces create an allure that resonates with the traditional as well as the contemporary.

Design Elements of Vintage-inspired Jewelry

  • Milgrain Detailing: Milgrain technique is an old method that involves tiny metal beads, the subtle embellishment made with the use of Milgrain adds a touch of texture and intricacy to the metalwork, which helps to enhance the overall design of the jewelry.
  • Geometric Shapes: The clean lines, contrasting colors, and bold symmetry of the Art Deco era have left an indelible mark on vintage-inspired jewelry. Not only the vintage but the modern jewelry designs also are many of the time inspired by it, as these pieces exude sophistication as well as modernity.
  • Intricate Filigree Work: When talking about vintage jewelry one of the main aspects that can never be overlooked is the intricate filigree work. When most modern jewelry designs go for a more subtle and monotonous look vintage pieces on the other hand are more detailed and lacy. These detailed and lacy patterns create a sense of lightness and intricacy.

The Modern Take on Vintage

  • Mixing Eras: Experiment with mixing modern clothing with vintage-inspired jewelry for a unique and eclectic look. A simple, contemporary outfit can be elevated by the addition of a Victorian-inspired cameo brooch or an Art Deco bracelet.
  • Statement Pieces: Let vintage-inspired jewelry shine as statement pieces. A bold Art Nouveau pendant or a pair of chandelier earrings from the Roaring Twenties can effortlessly become the focal point of your ensemble.
  • Layering: Embrace the trend of layering jewelry by combining pieces from different eras. Pair delicate filigree rings with a geometric Art Deco bangle for a harmonious blend of styles.
  • Casual Elegance: Vintage-inspired jewelry doesn’t have to be reserved for formal occasions. Incorporate it into your everyday wardrobe by adorning a vintage locket necklace or stacking dainty gemstone rings.

The Allure of Handcrafted Vintage-Inspired Jewelry

In the times when everything is being mass produced, where every piece looks identical to each other, the feeling of owning a handcrafted vintage-inspired is something else. These are not just pieces of jewelry as these are created by a skilled artisan who not only has put his time in make that particular piece but also poured his heart and soul. This attention to detail ensures that every item is a unique work of wearable art, carrying the essence of a bygone era.


It can be said without a doubt that Vintage Jewelry has stood the test of time, as in this ever-evolving world they managed to remain constant and enduring. It does not matter whether you like the craftsmanship, or how delicately the jewelry is made, or what story it carries with it. By incorporating these pieces into your personal style, you not only adorn yourself with beauty but also become a custodian of history and craftsmanship, keeping the legacy of the past alive in the present.