No-Code Development Platforms

A no-code development platform allows you to build apps without writing a single line of code. This means that anyone with no coding skills can create applications without any hassle. 

No-code platforms are closely related to low-code platforms as both of them aim to speed up app development. A no-code platform graphical UI besides configuration rather than traditional programming languages.

No-Code Development Platforms

Low-Code Development Platforms

A low-code development platform is an app development platform that allows you to create mobile and business apps with little to no coding skills. 

They use a graphical UI with drag-and-drop capabilities and minimal logic instead of writing comprehensive lines of code. 

Both no-code and low-code platforms are becoming popular as they provide an easy and fast alternative to the traditional development process. This is why professional developers and founders with no coding skills are using these platforms to meet their business requirements to build an app, automate processes, and boost digital transformation.  

Now, let’s take a look at some of the best low-code and no-code development platforms available in the market for medium to small businesses. 

5 Best No-Code Development And Low-Code Development Platforms

  1. Zoho Creator

Zoho Creator is among the most competent low-code platforms that help you create applications easily. This platform extends and integrates the app functionality seamlessly. It does not matter what level of coding skill you have or how complicated your coding requirement is, Zoho Creator makes everything easy, quick, and secure.

It helps you transform your business by providing you with customized, tailored solutions so you can develop the application you conceptualized. You can create multi-platform apps ranging from minimalist call logs to complex and heavy ERPs capable of integrating with your current processes. 

Expedite your app development process with their rich, intuitive code editors, pre-built templates, visual builders, and more. Besides that, you can easily configure and automate workflows in your applications with simple iterations and steps.

Moreover, you can migrate data and scale it dynamically as well. Just import your Excel or Google Sheet data into a purpose-built application. Zoho Creator also supports MS Access, FileMaker, and other databases. 

Zoho Creator
  1. Visual LANSA

Through Visual LANSA low-code platform, simplify the way of building excellent products and running your business engine smoother and faster. It combines low-code and traditional coding in the same IDE, which helps build desktop and web applications using similar assets. 

It enables the faster building, operation, and deployment of the applications. You can remove silos between IT and development. Stay in the IDE, create the whole app, and migrate existing apps in other languages easily using LANSA’s bridge capabilities. 

Visual LANSA lets you integrate with their services without wasting your time in workarounds. Without looking for separate front-end and back-end developers, you can easily allow any developer to build a web application from the beginning. 

It positively affects nearly every area of business by providing company-wide productivity, innovation, and control. Visual LANSA’s repository also stores the components that are important in development. It lets you use and resume the modules and components to reduce time and improve the developer’s efficiency.  

  1. Knack

Knack allows you to create business applications quickly with no-code and serve the users well. It has simple tools that help you transform all your data into a strong online database. You can use JavaScript to customize and extend the app interface, as well as CSS to control the app’s look and feel. 

This best no-code development company offers you a clean and straightforward interface that makes app development highly easy without requiring you to write a single line of code. Moreover, it also offers effective features to help you create powerful apps and customize them, like adding logos, colors, etc.

You can create a custom user interface to see your data and update it. You get components and features such as a search field, forms, maps, calendars, reports, and logins. Here, you also get dozens of amazing templates and pre-built objects. 

Furthermore, its SEO plugins will also index your content and data and make them searchable. Knack apps are mobile-friendly, design responsive, and let you users’ geolocations. Plus, it offers workflow tools such as reminders and notifications, scheduled tasks, status indicators, lifecycles, approvals, etc. 

  1. Bubble

Bubble can be the fastest way to build an application without writing a single line of code. One can visually set up the app logic to decide what occurs on each screen as a user navigates inside. 

In addition, Bubble keeps things interesting with its full library of visual elements. Its drag-and-drop interface gives you excellent control over the design elements.

Moreover, you have full freedom to extend the functionality with JavaScript plugins and API integrations. Bubble-made applications are mobile-friendly and can be translated into 80+ global languages. 

The best thing is the absence of hard limits. So the apps you build are flexible according to your audience growth. You can handle search engine optimization, track the app usage limits, and integrate Braintree and Stripe to make payments easier.  

  1. m-Power

The m-Power development platform aims to deliver low-code development without limitations. It is the only solution that delivers business intelligence, low-code development, dashboards, reporting, modernization, BPA, and mobile in a single platform. 

m-Power users build web applications using a 4-step process that combines flexibility with simplicity. It offers a no-code interface by default but allows for low-code when necessary. Users can include custom templates, their own business logic, and even dive into the underlying application code if necessary.

From an architectural perspective, m-power is created to be the most open development platform available. Built on libraries and open frameworks, it generates standard code and uses the same technologies that current developers already use. Users can connect to third-party APIs, integrate with existing software, and deploy applications in-house or to the cloud. 

To conclude, m-Power is built for flexibility. It takes a special approach to low-code development, providing a rare mix of capabilities combined with full control over customization.  

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